Intensive Driving Courses – Crash Courses

The fastest way to pass your driving test is to enrol on an intensive driving course where driving lessons are scheduled in quick succession to bring the learner driver up to test standard in the shortest possible time.

Most driving schools and driving instructors will offer intensive driving courses as part of their driving lessons offering.

Intensive driving courses are tailored to the individual learner drivers requirements, not everyone starts from the same level of expertise, we all learn at different paces and each of us has a different boredom threshold when we become less interested in the task in hand and our mind wanders off to other things.

An intensive driving course is highly unlikely to be less than one week and probably more as most learner drivers driving lessons can only absorb four hours of instruction a day, two in the morning then a break then two in the afternoon.

A four hour per day intensive driving course schedule delivers twenty hours driving instruction in a five day week and forty hours over a two week period.

Each learner drivers needs are unique here we have a demonstration intensive driving course schedule.

Two two hour driving lesson sessions daily, one morning then a break then one in the afternoon.

Each session starts with vehicle checks, hazard perception and theory revision then one to one driving tuition.

The times of the driving lessons will require some variation during the day to ensure that the learner driver gains experience of driving in the differing road conditions throughout the day, rush hour etc.

Remember that the intensive driving course is designed to teach the learner driver how to drive safely and effectively into the future and not just to pass the driving test.

With a weekend break a two week intensive driving course on this schedule would incur forty hours of driving lessons be sure to obtain a quote as the hourly rate should be lower than the corresponding number of driving lessons paid for in the more usual pay as you learn weekly driving lesson schedule.

However this is only a demonstration schedule, the actual schedule that you will be able to accommodate will vary from student to student, some may find that two hours at a time day in day out is too much whilst others may be able to accommodate an extra one or two hours on some days. Our demonstration intensive driving course schedule also has a two day weekend gap and this could be utilised for extra driving lessons if they are needed to cover some sticking points and bring the learner driver back on the training track.

When calculating the costs of an intensive driving course remember that the training car will be needed for the driving test, the test fee will need to be paid when booking the test and a further two hour driving lesson covering motorway driving and advanced driving knowledge, or a Pass Plus Course is highly recommended.

Remember to plan ahead when booking and intensive driving course as this type of driving instruction is not intended to be a rush job, you will need to select the best driving instructor for your requirements, then the driving instructor will need to schedule your intensive driving lessons, this all needs some pre planning.

If you are interested in an intensive driving course upon reaching the driving age then you could meet some driving instructors to select your best fit and book the times for when your 17th birthday arrives, do not forget to ensure that you have a valid provisional driving licence for the duration of the intensive driving course.

Intensive driving courses are sometimes referred to as crash courses, this is not only unfortunate in terms of an expression about driving, the last thing we need is a crash, but as you can now see an intensive driving course should be researched, selected and booked well in advance of the required times, pre planning is a must for a successful intensive driving course.